Enjoying Visual Intelligence? I am. Unfortunately however every once in a while something will go wrong. Most of the time stopping and restarting Visual Intelligence will fix the problem but sometimes not.
One error I received recently was: Open document failed / The engine failed to start before timeout. Restart the application. (HDB 10005)

Here is a quick article about this topic from SCN about this error: http://scn.sap.com/thread/3256250
Here is an SAP note which also has additional details: http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1783894
These articles provide good information but didn’t solve my problem.
Sybase IQ Hiccups
As you probably already know that Visual Intelligence leverages an embedded Sybase IQ engine for data manipulation.
Here you can see both SAPVisualIntelligence.exe and the embedded Sybase engine, iqsrv15.exe, listed in the task manager.
… and sometimes there are problems. I’ve found that assuming it ‘normally’ works okay (install was correct) and nothing else on your PC has changed (software/firewall conflicts), then it’s a memory issue. Remember 8 Gig is recommended for this application. (4 Gig minimum)
The problem is that sometimes when the Sybase Engine hiccups, it may continue to run in the background and make it impossible for Visual Intelligence to start-up again.
Resolving Issues with iqsrv15.exe
Here is what you need to do:
- After you shutdown Visual Intelligence, make sure that iqsrv15.exe is not still running. You can kill the process via task manager if necessary.
- Delete the DataBase directory where Hilo.db is stored
- Restart application and it will recreate.
C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalSAPSAP Visual Intelligence
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