Visual Intelligence Goes Predictive….

It was only a few short months ago when Visual Intelligence was released.  We were promised a rapid development and release cycle, but I never expected this many changes is such a sort time. Here is a quick summary: 1.0.1 – Visual data analysis and data discovery for the Desktop 1.0.2 – Freehand SQL, Publish […]

Installing BusinessObjects v4.0 – CMS Database

I’ve installed BusinessObjects about a hundred times and there is very little that’s changed about the installation wizard from a user interface perspective since Crystal Enterprise 10.  BusinessObjects has always included “in the box” all the components necessary to successfully install BusinessObjects for a single server configuration. That said, there is ONE change I make every […]

BusinessObjects Installation Best Practice

When installing any SAP BusinessObjects software, I find that it’s always best to have WinRAR nearby.  Just as a spoonful of sugar, it helps the medicine go down, WinRAR give you the control you need when disk resources are tight.  I was reminded of this again when I downloaded the new version of Xcelsius 2008 […]

Tip: XI 3.0 Administration Best Practice

If you’ve had a chance to use the new BusinessObjects XI 3.0, one of the first things you will notice is that all your services are now managed by a local process called a Server Intelligence Agent. This agent is responsible for starting and stopping all the services that it manages. After installing BusinessObjects XI […]

What You’ll Notice When Installing XI 3.0

Here are a few things I noticed when installing XI 3.0 that I thought I would pass along. #1 – Time Remaining The system no longer tells you the time remember. It was always fun to explain the end of the install when it was deploying the web applications and it would jump around from […]